CMS ENVIS Centre has a repository of more than 900 audio-video programmes to showcase. We welcome everyone who is interested in watching the videos by sending an email request to the Co-orodinator ( We will arrange the screening in the AVRC room of CMS ENVIS Centre on a mutually agreed date and time.

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Search Result Total News Founds : 3162

Soil and Water Conservation for Prosperity to Posterity-Erosion & Land Degradation I
English/ 12:25 /1995
Producer: Ms. Reena J. Dolwani
Commissioned by: Consortium for Educational Communication
Summary: In this programme , the highlight is on erosion, land degradation exploitation and damage of resources.

Soil and Water Conservation for Prosperity to Posterity-Technology for Erosion Control II
English/ 17:28 /1995
Producer: Ms. Reena J. Dolwani
Commissioned by: Consortium for Educational Communication
Summary: This programme talks about the losses caused by erosion, strategies of soil & water conservation various principles of resources conservation, landslide control, ravine reclamation and integrated watershed management.

Soil Pollution
Hindi/ 01:12
Producer: Mr. P.K. Mahendroo, Pro
Commissioned by: Central Poolution Control Board
Summary: The programme focuses on the causes of soil pollution.

Solar Cooker
English/ 09:34 /1991
Producer: Ms. Reena J. Dolwani
Commissioned by: Consortium for Educational Communication
Summary: Dr. H.N. Sharma explains the properties of solar energy. An understanding of the green house effect which can be used for the construction of a cooking box is highlighted.

Solar Energy
English/ 3-5:00
Producer: Ms. Aarti Sharma
Commissioned by: Tata Energy Research institute
Summary: Need for alternative energy sources has led to the development of the Solar Photovoltaic programme in India. The technology of SPVs converts sunlight into electricity. TERRAVIEW talks about this alternative energy resource.

Solar Heater
English/ 17:21 /1995
Producer: Ms. Reena J. Dolwani
Commissioned by: Consortium for Educational Communication
Summary: In this programm we discuss two kinds of devices, namely the flat plate collector and the focussing collector, which are used to intercept solar radiation and convert it to thermal energy for heating water.

Solar Passive house-1 The Principles
English/ 27:18 /1990
Producer: Ms. Reena J. Dolwani
Commissioned by: Consortium for Educational Communication
Summary: The hot environment reduces man's working capacity and performance. To avoid this, Solar passive houses which provide a thermally comfortable indoor climate, should be constructed. This programme explains the principals of passive Architecture.

Solid Waste Treatment
English/ 17:26 /1989
Producer: Ms. Reena J. Dolwani
Commissioned by: Consortium for Educational Communication
Summary: Mining is one such industry wich has left a deep scar on the earth. With every mineral produced, comes a huge amount of solid waste .This programme discusses how to keep these wasteful products from polluting the environment.

Song of the Forests: Yanomamo
English/ 54:00
Producer: Aparajita Gogoi
Commissioned by: Development Alternatives
Summary: Yanomamo is a musical film which tells the story of the Amazon rainforest, the Indians who lives there & the widespread destruction of the forest brought about by reckless development.

Songs And Tears Of Nature
Nepali with English subtitles/ 55:00
Producer: Nalaka Gunawardane
Commissioned by: TVE Asia Regional Office
Summary: An old Saami woman from the Arctic tells a story of the end of the world where there are no reindeer, no fish and no trees. Camilo, a Fulni-o from north east Brazil, imagines 'a world covered in gold paved in crystal - with rivers of milk, lagoons of hone
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