CMS ENVIS Centre has a repository of more than 900 audio-video programmes to showcase. We welcome everyone who is interested in watching the videos by sending an email request to the Co-orodinator ( We will arrange the screening in the AVRC room of CMS ENVIS Centre on a mutually agreed date and time.

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Search Result Total News Founds : 3162

Silent Tears
ENGLISH/ 17 Min 19 Sec /2005
Producer: Geleck Palsang
Summary: The film advocates the adoptions of vegetarianism. It talks about various problems and diseases that these animals suffer. Though we need to think about animals in a positive manner and treat them in a better way and not act selfishly just to satisfy our

How I Killed My Mother
ENGLISH / 19 Minutes /2005
Producer: Madhur Chaturvedi
Summary: Madhur Chaturvedi's debut film "How I Killed my mother' is a 19 Minutes poetic narrative on the Okhla Bird Sanctuary in India's capital city Delhi with a broader outlook on the destruction of natural habitats for beautiful bird species. Delhi is the secon

Once Upon a Time
ENGLISH/ 1 Minutes /2007
Producer: Radha Pandey
Summary: This animation is meant to bring to light the relationship we share with our planet today. We are the only species, on this earth, that can adapt at will to the changing conditions and environment. Yet, man, (perhaps still in his infancy), has chosen to

Mother Earth: Care And Share
ENGLISH/ 14 Min 34 Sec /2007
Producer: Ravi Sankar K Jha
Commissioned by: Q R S (P) Ltd.
Summary: Mother Earth: Care and Share is a 15 Minute environmental documentary film produced by Q R S, that examines critical contemporary issues pertaining to human being relationship with nature since time immemorial to modern civilized society and about environ

The Crazy on The Rocks
nO lANGUAGE/ 15 Minutes /2007
Producer: Altaf Mazid
Commissioned by: Unknown Films
Summary: 650,000 people, of Bodo ethnic majority divert the course of the river Pagldia to 116 Villages through 13 embankments with community participation. Else they cease to survive. They are taking the river home from the 1920's. the film portrays the situation

Green Plaster
ENGLISH/ 54 Seconds /2007
Producer: Suparna Gangal
Commissioned by: SMS Productions
Summary: The Film is a "Public Service Message" announcement. The message is simple. We need to make our planet, "Green" once again. It may take up to several decades to restore the balance, but we have to make a beginning. Right Now!

Water Wars
ENGLISH/ 26 Munites 28 Seconds /2007
Producer: Nutan Manmohan
Commissioned by: All Time Productions Pvt. ltd.
Summary: Water is the petroleum of 21st century. It has become an issue of confrontation between many nations all over the world. The struggle for fresh water has engulfed Jordan, Turkey, Israel and the Arab countries for more than a decade. Water is already a big

Some life's- searching death in garbage (FILM CANCELED)
HINDI/ 21 Minutes /2007
Producer: Pankaj Chandpuri

Jayakwadi - A paradise of Bird Watchers
ENGLISH/ 15 Min 44 Sec /2007
Producer: Rajendra Joshi
Commissioned by: Team
Summary: Jayakwadi Bird Sanctuary is situated at Paithan, Near Aurngabad in Maharashtra State, in the vicinity of Nathsagar - Jayakwadi dam which is rich in aquatic flora and fauna. This area has attracted many species of resident and migratory birds. Nearly 200 s

Assamese/ 12 Minutes /2007
Producer: Bhaskar Jyoti Das
Commissioned by: Rivers West Productions, Inc
Summary: Tree has life. We should feel it. Cruelty behind human nature is really affect our next generation. A live demonstration of deforestation. If we lose the colour of green from rainbow, then how rainbow would be look like. Think it again before cutting tree
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