CMS ENVIS Centre has a repository of more than 900 audio-video programmes to showcase. We welcome everyone who is interested in watching the videos by sending an email request to the Co-orodinator ( We will arrange the screening in the AVRC room of CMS ENVIS Centre on a mutually agreed date and time.

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Search Result Total News Founds : 3162

Water Wars
English/ 150:00
Producer: Nalaka Gunawardane
Commissioned by: TVE Asia Regional Office
Summary: In this trio of programmes investigating the role of water in power politics, good as gold focuses on the United States where water is a highly marketable commodity (something few people have and a lot of people want). In the San Luis Valley of Colorado,

Water Wars: Good as Gold
English/ 50:00
Producer: Aparajita Gogoi
Commissioned by: Development Alternatives
Summary: Good as Gold focuses on the United States, where water is primarily marketable product: something that a few people have and a lot of people want.

Water Wars: The Giver of Life
English/ 50:00
Producer: Aparajita Gogoi
Commissioned by: Development Alternatives
Summary: It focusses on the Islamic countries of the former Soviet Central Asia where the fate of the disappearing Aral Sea is described as a catastrophe on par with Chernobyl. Irrigation schemes to feed the thirsty cotton of Uzbekistan & Kazakhastan are to blame.

Water Wars: To the Last Drop
English/ 50:00
Producer: Aparajita Gogoi
Commissioned by: Development Alternatives
Summary: To the Last Drop focuses on the Middle East, where every conflict in the region is aggravated by water disputes. The west bank and the Golan Height contain water resources vital to Israel & key factors blocking settlement of the Palestinian issues.

Water, Water Everywhere
English/ 20:03 /1995
Producer: Ms. Reena J. Dolwani
Commissioned by: Consortium for Educational Communication
Summary: The water treatment project at the Mudiali fisherman's Cooperative Society is unique because it is low cost as well as a source of income for them. The project is run by a group of 300 fishermen. A programme focuses on this unique collective effort.

Water: Everybody Lives Downstream - Part I
English/ 15:00
Producer: Nalaka Gunawardane
Commissioned by: TVE Asia Regional Office
Summary: Taking inspiration from the theme of hte World Day for Water , this Earth Report programme follows a symbolic river as it flows across four continents. Using dramatic scenes from five of the world’s great rivers, the film identifies the threats to the pla

Water: Everybody Lives Downstream - Part II
English/ 06:00
Producer: Nalaka Gunawardane
Commissioned by: TVE Asia Regional Office
Summary: Taking inspiration from the theme of hte World Day for Water , this Earth Report programme follows a symbolic river as it flows across four continents. Using dramatic scenes from five of the world’s great rivers, the film identifies the threats to the pla

Water-1 Water in Day to Day Life
English/ 17:45 /1994
Producer: Ms. Reena J. Dolwani
Commissioned by: Consortium for Educational Communication
Summary: This is an introduction to concept of utilization of water by all of us. It lays particular emphasis on the way we use water for various purposes in our day to day life and our industrial needs.

Water-2 Quest for Water
English/ 22:52 /1994
Producer: Ms. Reena J. Dolwani
Commissioned by: Consortium for Educational Communication
Summary: This programme deals with the search for water which we can use. Here, we look at the various sources of utilizable water as well as at ways to make water usable (desalination, for example).

Water-3 Conservation of Water
English/ 20:05 /1994
Producer: Ms. Reena J. Dolwani
Commissioned by: Consortium for Educational Communication
Summary: In part III, we explore various methods of conserving and recycling water. Water is a valuable natural resource. This programme also shows us how to minimize the wastage of water in our day to day use.
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