CMS ENVIS Centre has a repository of more than 900 audio-video programmes to showcase. We welcome everyone who is interested in watching the videos by sending an email request to the Co-orodinator ( We will arrange the screening in the AVRC room of CMS ENVIS Centre on a mutually agreed date and time.

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Search Result Total News Founds : 3162

The King is Dying
NA/ 25 Minutes 14 Seconds /2006
Producer: Bahar Dutt
Commissioned by: CNN-IBN
Summary: With only 300 animals left in the wild, the Asiatic Lion in India is dying a silent death. With numbers much lower than the tiger, the lions may vanish from Asia-because of poaching for their nails used as ornaments, deaths from a railway line that runs t

Slaughter at Sea
English/ 24 Minutes 57 Second /2006
Producer: Bahar Dutt
Commissioned by: CNN-IBN
Summary: This six-part series investigates how natures most magical phenomenon-the mass nesting of the olive ridley turtles has meant mass slaughter for these gentle giants of the sea. Thousands of olive ridley turtles come to Orissa in east India to lay their egg

A Question of Land
English/ 20 Min 34 Sec /2006
Producer: Bahar Dutt
Commissioned by: CNN-IBN
Summary: Over 100,000 people mostly tribals are to be displaced by big mining projects in Orissa. Will the state be able to rehabilitate all the displaced and what will be the impact of local climate and forests? We travel to the most backward regions to document

Minee - A successful mother
English/ 15 Minutes /2007
Producer: Kartiki Kane
Commissioned by: View Finders, Pune
Summary: Cats are the ancient mammalians evolved since the period of Dinosaurs. They are very intelligent and welcomed pets all over the world. The cats are well equipped to channelise their brain power into different behaviors. This is how they differ from all o

Breaking the Barriers
English/ 13 Minutes /2006
Producer: S. Jayraj
Commissioned by: Ame Foundation
Summary: India is the second most populated and the seventh largest country in the world. The country is rich in both the natural endowments and manpower resources. The economy of nation is basically agrarian and majority of the population earn livelihood from agr

Leave nothing but footprints (FILM CANCELED)
Hindi/ 38 Minutes /2007
Producer: Sanjay Barnela
Commissioned by: Moving Images
Summary: Eco-tourism is entirely a new approach in tourism. It can be categorized as tourism program that is - 'Nature based, ecologically sustainable, where education interpretation is a major constituent and where local people are benefited". Leave nothing but f

Village of Dust, City of Water
Hindi/ 28 Minutes /2006
Producer: Sanjay Barnela
Commissioned by: Moving Images
Summary: The film's theme is anchored in the critical water resource and water supply issues currently facing rural population across India as depicted in contrast to urban water supplies. The film uses poetry and music as the primary narrative form to complement

Forests of Reverence
English/ 9 Minutes 49 Seconds /2005
Producer: Rishu Nigam
Commissioned by: The Energy and Resources Institute
Summary: Thousands of sacred forests dot the Indian landscape. Revered by local communities for generations together, the sacred groves have been preserved by faith. Home to many rare and endangered plant and animal species, these virgin forests are rich reservoir

The Green Warriors of Thar
English/ 10 Minutes 43 Seconds /2006
Producer: Rishu Nigam
Commissioned by: The Energy and Resources Institute
Summary: Amidst the arid Thar desert, where survival itself is tough, there exists a community that reveres nature in all its forms. The film 'The Green Warriors of Thar', takes you to the Bishnois of Western Rajsthan, who consider it a matter of pride in dying wh

Buildings that breathe
English/ 10 Min 55 Sec /2006
Producer: Richa Arora
Summary: Most traditional buildings of India were built on sustainable principles because they did not have electricity. Today, many architects are reviving these techniques to reduce the burden on the environment. The film, 'Buildings that Breathe' looks at some
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