CMS ENVIS Centre has a repository of more than 900 audio-video programmes to showcase. We welcome everyone who is interested in watching the videos by sending an email request to the Co-orodinator ( We will arrange the screening in the AVRC room of CMS ENVIS Centre on a mutually agreed date and time.

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Search Result Total News Founds : 3162

Harmony in Arabari (JFM)
English & Hindi/ 25:00 /1993
Producer: Dr. Shyma Lal
Commissioned by: Ministry of Environment of Forest
Summary: The film graphically depicts the movement launched by the forest department of West Bengal and the local communities to regenerate the highly degraded Sal forests of the region.

Harnessing Biodiversity
English/ 14:40 /1996
Producer: Ms. Reena J. Dolwani
Commissioned by: Consortium for Educational Communication
Summary: In this programme, Dr H.C.Dube, Dean, Bhavnagar University,emphasizes the need to modernize biotechnology. India possesses 7% of the Biodiversity of the world, but we do not have the adequate biotechnology to harvest this diversity.

Harvest of Rain
English/ 48:00
Producer: Anita
Commissioned by: Centre for Science & Environment
Summary: One of the basic principles of water management is simplicity itself. Conserve water where it falls. This video is dedicated to India's traditional water harvesting systems.

English/ 53:00
Producer: Krishnendu Bose
Commissioned by: M/s Earth care Films

Hindi/ 00hrs 09min 00sec /2002
Commissioned by: AVVM Films
Summary: Wildllife Conservation & Environment with Story base of Communal Harmony

Hazardous Industries
English/ 3-5:00
Producer: Ms. Aarti Sharma
Commissioned by: Tata Energy Research institute
Summary: Fire at the PVC scrap market in Delhi released an enormous amount of toxic gases, highlighting the hazard of pollution by hazardous industries. This TERRAVIEW story talks of issues that should be dealt with as a policy, before setting up such industries.

Health for Millions
English/ 13:00 /1955
Producer: Prashant Mahajan
Commissioned by: Films Division, Ministry of Information & Brodcasting, Government of India
Summary: This film deals with environmental sanitation in Community Projects areas.

Health in the City
English/ 07:00
Producer: Aparajita Gogoi
Commissioned by: Development Alternatives
Summary: An innovative video, orchestrated to the music of the Eurhythmies, highlighting the crisis in the growing urban slums around many of the world's major cities.

Heating up the earth
English/ 19:00
Commissioned by: The British Council Library
Summary: A clear introduction to the complex & controversial issue of " greenhouse effects"

Hell In The Pacific
English/ 55:00
Producer: Nalaka Gunawardane
Commissioned by: TVE Asia Regional Office
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