Working towards the conservation of environment, an environment information system (ENVIS) was established by the government in Dec 1982, with a view to provide information regarding environment to decision makers, policy planners, scientists and engineers, research workers etc all over the country. Environment being a broad ranged and multidisciplinary subject, requires an involvement of concerned institutes/organizations that are actively engaged in the different subject areas of environment, therefore a large number of nodes have been established to cover the broad subject areas of environment.
ENVIS, due to its comprehensive network, has been designed as the National Focal Point (NFP) for INFOTERRA, a global environmental information network of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). In order to strengthen the information activities of the NFP, ENVIS was designated as the Regional Service Centre (RSC) of INFOTERRA in 1985 for the South Asia Sub-Region countries.
ENVIS is a decentralized system, which ensures collection, collation, storage, retrieval and dissemination of environmental information to all concerned. These centers have been set up in the areas of pollution control, toxic chemicals, central and offshore ecology, environmentally sound and appropriate technology, bio-degradation of wastes and environmental management etc.
For further information check www.envis.nic.in
S.No. |
Name & Address |
Contact Person Name & Email Id's |
Subject Area |
Subnetwork Area |
1 |
Central Pollution Control Board(CPCB) Parivesh Bhawan, CBD-Cum Office Complex East Arjun Nagar
Delhi-110 032, Delhi Phone: 011-22308902,22306128,22301932 Fax: 011-22307233,22304948 Email Id: pkmahendru@yahoo.com
ENVIS URL: http://cpcbenvis.nic.in,
Org. URL: http://www.cpcb.nic.in |
Dr. V.Rajagopalan - Chairman
Shri. P.K. Mahendru - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id: mahendrap2002@yahoo.com
Control of Pollution (Water, Air and Noise) |
Chemicals, Wastes and Toxicology |
2 |
Industrial Toxicological Research Centre(ITRC) Post Box No.80 Mahatma gandhi Marg
Lucknow-226 001, Uttar Pradesh Phone: 0522-2284591 Fax: 0522-2228227 Email Id: itrc@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.itrcenvis.nic.in,
Org. URL: http://www.itrcindia.org |
Dr. C.M. Gupta - Director
Dr(Mrs.) F.N. Jaffery - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id: f_jaffery@yahoo.com
Toxic Chemicals |
Chemicals, Wastes and Toxicology |
3 |
The Energy Resources Institute(TERI) Darbari Seth Block, Habitat Centre, Lodi Road
New Delhi-110 003, Delhi Phone: 011-24682100, 24682111 Fax: 011-24682144 Email Id: teri@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.teriin.org/envis,
Org. URL: http://www.teriin.org |
Dr. R.K. Pachauri - Director General
Shri. P.K. Bhattacharya - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id: pkbhatta@teri.res.in
Renewable Energy and Environment |
Environment and Energy Management |
4 |
National Institute of Occupational Health(NIOH) Meghani Nagar Ahmedabad
Gujarat-380016, Ahmedabad Phone: 079-22686351,22686259 Fax: 079-22686361 Email Id: nioh@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.envisnioh.org,
Org. URL: http://www.nioh.org |
Dr. H.N. Sayed - Director
Dr. Aruna Diwan - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id: adewan@envisnioh.org
Environmental and Occupational Health |
Chemicals, Wastes and Toxicology |
5 |
Centre for Ecological Sciences - Indian Institute of Science(IIS) Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
Karnataka-560 012, Bangalore Phone: 91-080-23600985, 22933099, 22932506 Fax: 91-080-23601428, 23600085, 23600683 Email Id: iisc@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://ces.iisc.ernet.in/biodiversity,
Org. URL: http://ces.iisc.ernet.in |
Prof. R.Sukumar - Chairman
Dr. T.V. Ramachandran - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id: envis@ces.iisc.ernet.in
Western Ghats and Biological Diversity |
Ecology and Ecosystems |
6 |
Centre for Advanced Studies in Marine Biology(CASMB) Annamalai Unniversity Parangipettai
Parangipettai-608 502, Tamil Nadu Phone: 04144-243223, 243533 Fax: 04144- 243555 Email Id: director@aucasmbenvis.org
ENVIS URL: http://aucasmbenvis.org,
Org. URL: http://annamalaiuniversity.ac.in/ |
Prof. T. Balasubramanian - Director and Centre Incharge
Email Id: stbcas@eth.net
Mangroves, Estuaries, Lagoons, Coral Reefs |
Flora, Fauna and Conservation |
7 |
Zoological Survey of India(ZSI) Prani Vigyan Bhawan M Block, New Alipur
Kolkata-700053, West Bengal Phone: 033-24003925 Fax: 033-24006893 Email Id: zsi@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.enviszsi.org,
Org. URL: |
Dr. J.R.F. Alfred - Director
Dr. T.K. Pal - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id:
Faunal Biodiversity |
Flora, Fauna and Conservation |
8 |
Centre for Mining and Environment(ISM) Indian School of Mines
Dhanbad-826004, Jharkhand Phone: 0326-2206372, 2202486 Fax: 0326-2206372, 2203042 Email Id: ism@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.geocities.com/envis_ism,
Org. URL: http://www.iism.dhanbad.org |
Prof. S.N. Mukherjee - Head
Prof. Gurdeep Singh - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id: s_gurdeep2001@yahoo.com
Environmental Problems of Minning |
Ecology and Ecosystems |
9 |
National Environmental Engineering Research Institute(NEERI) Nehru Marg,
Nagpur-440020, Maharashtra Phone: 0712-2226026,2226071 Fax: 0712-2225191 Email Id: neeri@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.geocities.com/envisneeri/index.html,
Org. URL: http://www.neeri.nic.in |
Dr. S. Devotta - Director
Dr. T.Chakraborty - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id: dirneeri_ngp@sancharnet.in
Hazardous Waste |
Chemicals, Wastes and Toxicology |
10 |
G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development Kosi - Katarmal
Almora-263643, Uttaranchal Phone: 05962-241015,241150 Fax: 05962-241150 Email Id: gbpihed@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://gbpihed.nic.in/envis/envis.html,
Org. URL: http://gbpihed.nic.in |
Dr. Upender Dhar - Director
Dr. P.P. Dhyani - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id: ao@gbpihud.nic.in
Himalayan Ecology |
Ecology and Ecosystems |
11 |
School of Planning and Architecture(SPA) 4, Block - B, I.P. Estate
New Delhi-110 002, Delhi Phone: 011-23702393, 23702395 Fax: 011-23702383 Email Id: ephod@vsnl.net
ENVIS URL: http://www.spaenvis.nic.in,
Org. URL: http://www.indiawatch.org/spa |
Prof. Subir Saha - Director
Prof. S.K. Sahu - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id: shovan@eth.net
Human Settlement |
Ecology and Ecosystems |
12 |
School of Environmental Sciences (JNU) Jawaharlal Nehru Univ.
New Delhi-110 067, Delhi Phone: 011-26704316 Fax: 011-26106501 Email Id: subra@jnnuiv.ernet.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.envisjnu.net,
Org. URL: http://www.jnu.ac.in/ |
Dr. V.K. Bhattacharya - Vice Chancellor
Prof. V. Subramanian - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id: subra@jnuniv.ernet.in
Biolgeochemistry |
Chemicals, Wastes and Toxicology |
13 |
Botanical Survey of India(BSI) CGO Complex, 3rd MSO Building, Block F, 5th-6th Floor, DF Block, Sector I, Salt Lake City
Kolkata-700 064, West Bengal Phone: 033-22485634 Fax: 033-23215631 Email Id: bsi@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.envisbsi.org,
Org. URL: |
Dr. M. Sanjappa - Director
Dr. M.S. Mondal - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id: envis@cal2.vsnl.net.in
Floral Biodiversity |
Flora, Fauna and Conservation |
14 |
Bombay Natural Histroy Society(BNHS) Hornbill House, Dr. Salim Ali chowk Saheed Bhagat Singh road
Mumbai-400 023, Maharashtra Phone: 022-22821811 Fax: 022-22837615 Email Id: bnhs@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.envisbnhs.org,
Org. URL: http://www.bnhs.org |
Dr. Asad R. Rahmani - Director
Mr. Girish.A.Jathar - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id: envisbhns@vsnl.net
Avian Ecology including Inland, Wetlands |
Ecology and Ecosystems |
15 |
Forest Research Institute(FRI) Indian Council of Forestry Research Edu New forest - P.O.
Dehradun-248006, Uttaranchal Phone: 0135-2756414 Fax: 0135-2756865 Email Id: fri@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.frienvis.nic.in,
Org. URL: http://www.icfre.org |
Dr. P.P. Bhojvaid - Director
Mr. Shalindra Kaushik - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id: kaushiks@icfre.org
Forestry |
Flora, Fauna and Conservation |
16 |
Wildlife Institute of India(WII) PO Box NO. 18, Chandrabani
Dehradun-248001, Uttaranchal Phone: 0135-2640910 Fax: 0135-2640117 Email Id: dwii@wii.gov.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.wii.gov.in/envis/,
Org. URL: http://www.wii.gov.in |
Dr. P.R. Sinha - Director
Dr. V.B. Mathur - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id: envis@wii.gov.in
Wildlife and Protected Area Management |
Flora, Fauna and Conservation |
17 |
Department of Environmental Sciences - Kalyani University University of Kalyani Kalyani
Dist. Nadia-741235, West Bengal Phone: 033-25808749 Fax: 033-25828282 Email Id: scsantra@yahoo.com
ENVIS URL: http://www.kuenvbiotech.org,
Org. URL: |
Prof. S.C. Santra -
- ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id: scsantra@yahoo.com
Enviornmental Biotechnology |
Flora, Fauna and Conservation |
18 |
Madras School of Economics(MSE) Gandhi Mandampam Road
Chennai-600 025, Tamil Nadu Phone: 044-22352157 Fax: 044-22352155 Email Id: mse@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://coenvis.mse.ac.in,
Org. URL: http://www.mse.ac.in |
Dr. Paul P. Appasamy - Director
Dr. K.S. Kavi Kumar - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id: kavi@mse.ac.in
Environmental Economics |
Environment Law and Trade |
19 |
Department of Geology - University of Kerala Kariavattom Campus
Thiruvananthapuram-695 581, Kerala Phone: 0471-2418403 Fax: Email Id: dguk@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http:///www.marinecosystematuok.net,
Org. URL: http://www.keralauniversity.edu/ |
Prof. V. Prasanna Kumar - Professor and Head
Email Id: envisuniker@yahoo.com
Marine Ecosystem |
Ecology and Ecosystems |
20 |
Department of Zoology - University of Madras Life Science Building, Guindy Campus,
Chennai-600 025, Tamil Nadu Phone: 044-22300899 Fax: 044-22301003 Email Id: dzum@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.dzumenvis.nic.in,
Org. URL: http://www.unom.ac.in |
Prof. N. Munusamy - Hon. Director/ENVIS Co-ordinator
Email Id: nmunuswamy@yahoo.com
Micro-organisms and environmental management |
Flora, Fauna and Conservation |
21 |
National Law School of India University(NLS) Nagarbhavi, P.O.Box - 7201
Bangalore-560 072, Karnataka Phone: 080-23213160, 23211303 Fax: 080-23217858 Email Id: nlsiu@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.nlsenlaw.org,
Org. URL: http://www.nls.ac.in |
Dr. A. Jaygovind - Director
Dr. O.V. Nandimath - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id: ovnandimath@nls.ac.in
Environmental Law |
Environment Law and Trade |
22 |
Institute for Ocean Management(IOM) College of Engineering Anna University
Chennai-600 025, Tamil Nadu Phone: 044-22351723, 22200158(D) Fax: 044-22200159 Email Id: iom@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.annauniv.edu/iom/COZMA,
Org. URL: http://www.annauniv.edu |
Dr. R. Ramesh - Director
Dr. S. Ramachandran - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id: chandran@ns.annauniv.edu
Coastal Regulation Zone Management |
Ecology and Ecosystems |
23 |
Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) Dr. Homi Bhabha Road
Pune-411 008, Maharashtra Phone: 020-5893600 Fax: 020-5893825 Email Id: iitm@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://envis.tropmet.res.in,
Org. URL: http://www.tropmet.res.in |
Dr. G.B. Pant - Director
Dr. G. Beig - Scientist
Email Id: beig@tropmet.res.in
Acid Rain and Atmospheric Pollution |
Chemicals, Wastes and Toxicology |
24 |
Indian Centre for Plastic in the Environment (ICPE) 2nd Floor,Kushesh Mansion, 22, Cawasji Patel Street,and 48/54,Ghoga Street(Janmabhoomi Marg) Fort
Mumbai-400 023, Maharashtra Phone: 022-22820491, 22820496 Fax: 022-22820451 Email Id: icpe@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.envis-icpe.com,
Org. URL: http://www.icpenviro.org |
Shri. K.G. Ramanathan - President
Shri. T.K. Bandopadhyay - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id: icpe@vsnl.net
Management of Plastic, Polymer Wastes and Biopolymers, Impacts of Plastic on Eco-System |
Chemicals, Wastes and Toxicology |
25 |
Environment Management Division - Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) India Habitat Centre 4th Floor, Core4A, Lodhi Road
New Delhi-110 003, Delhi Phone: 011-24682230-35 Fax: 011-24682229, 24682228 Email Id: cii@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.govtindustry-environment.com,
Org. URL: http://www.ciionline.org |
Dr. K.P. Nyati - Director
Email Id:
Industry - Government Environmental Interface |
Environment Law and Trade |
26 |
National Museum of Natural History (NMNH) FICCI Museum Building, Barakhamba Road
New Delhi-110 001, Delhi Phone: 011-23320739, 23710576 Fax: 011-23314932 Email Id: nmnh@envis.nic.in
Org. URL: http://nmnh.nic.in |
Dr. S.K. Saraswat - Director
Email Id:
Museology with Special Reference to Natural History |
Ecology and Ecosystems |
27 |
Central Building Research Institute (CBRI)
Roorkee-247 667, Uttaranchal Phone: 1332-283300, 283442, 283393(D), 272243 Fax: 1332-272272 Email Id: cbri@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.cbrienvis.nic.in,
Org. URL: http://www.cbri.org |
Prof. K.Ganesh Babu - Director
Dr. J.M.Bhatnagar - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id: jmb_cbri@yahoo.co.in
Fly Ash |
Chemicals, Wastes and Toxicology |
28 |
National Botanical Research Institute(NBRI) Rana Pratap Marg
Lucknow-226 001, Uttar Pradesh Phone: 0522-2205842 (303), 2205839, 2207255 Fax: 0522-2205847 Email Id: nbri@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.envisnbri.com,
Org. URL: http://www.nbri-lko.org |
Dr. R. Tuli - Director
Dr. H.M. Behl - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id: hmbehl@neem.net
Indicators of Plant Pollution |
Flora, Fauna and Conservation |
29 |
Gujarat Cleaner Production Centre (GCPC) Block No.4, 3rd Floor, Udyog Bhawan, Sector-11,
Gandhi Nagar-382 017, Gujarat Phone: 079-3243211, 3225811-14 Fax: 079-3244306 Email Id: gcpc@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.gcpcgujarat.org/envisnode.html,
Org. URL: http://www.gcpcgujarat.org |
Shri. Bharat P. Jain - Member Secretary
Email Id:
Cleaner Production and Technology |
Chemicals, Wastes and Toxicology |
30 |
Indian Institute of Chemical Technology(IICT) Habsiguda, Uppal Road
Hyderabad-500 007, Andhra Pradesh Phone: 040-27193134 Fax: 040-27193227 Email Id: usnmurthy@iict.ap.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.envisiict.org,
Org. URL: http://www.iict.res.in |
Dr. J.S. Yadav - Director
Dr. U.Suryanarayana Murthy - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id: murthyusn@yahoo.com
Bioinformatics - Vector Control |
Chemicals, Wastes and Toxicology |
31 |
Indian Institute of Management(IIM) Bannerghatta Road
Bangalore-560 076, Karnataka Phone: 080-6582450 Fax: 080-6584050 Email Id: iim@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.eeibs.com,
Org. URL: http://www.iimb.ernet.in |
Prof. Prakash.G.Apte - Director
Prof. P.D. Jose - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id: jose@iimb.ernet.in
Environmental Management in Management Schools |
Environment and Energy Management |
32 |
Development Alternatives(DA) B-32, Qutab Institutional Area, Tara Crescent, New Mehrauli Road,
New Delhi-110 016, Delhi Phone: 011-26967938, 26851158 Fax: 011-24682144 Email Id: daenvis@sdalt.ernet.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.daenvis.org,
Org. URL: http://www.devalt.org |
Mr. George C. Varughese - Vice President
Email Id:
Environmentally Sound Appropriate Technologies and Sustainable Livelihoods |
Environment and Energy Management |
33 |
World Wide Fund for Nature - India(WWF) Head-ENVIS Centre, Indira Gandhi conservation Monitoring Centre, 172-B, Lodhi Estate,
New Delhi-110 003, Delhi Phone: 011-41504791/51504794 Fax: 011-24691226 / 51504779/4795 Email Id: wwf@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.wwfenvis.org,
Org. URL: http://www.wwfindia.org |
Mr. Ravi Singh - Secretary General and CEO
Mr. G.Areendran - Head-ENVIS Centre
Email Id: gareendran@wwfindia.net
Non Government Organisations Media and Parliament Matter Related to Environment |
Media, Environment Education and Sustainable Development |
34 |
Centre for Environment Education(CEE) Nehru Foundation for Development, Taltej Tekra,
Ahmedabad-380 054, Gujarat Phone: 079-26858002-09 Fax: 079-26858010 Email Id: cee@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.greenteacher.org,
Org. URL: http://www.ceeindia.org |
Shri. Kartikeya V. Sarabhai - Director
Dr. Kiran Chokkar - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id:
Environmental Education |
Media, Environment Education and Sustainable Development |
35 |
Environment Protection Training and Research Institute(EPTRI) 91/4, Gachibowli,
Hyderabad-500 032, Andhra Pradesh Phone: 040-23001242, 23000489, 23001707(D) Fax: 040-23000361 Email Id: ap@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.envis-eptri.org,
Org. URL: http://www.eptri.com |
Mrs. Gayathri Ramachandran - Director General
Shri. S.H. Baquer - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id: baquer@eptri.com
Eastern Ghats Ecology |
Ecology and Ecosystems |
36 |
Indian Environmental Society(IES) U-112, Vidatha House, Vikas Marg, Shakarpur,
Delhi-110 092, Delhi Phone: 011-22046823, 22450749 Fax: 011-22523311 Email Id: iesenro@del2.vsnl.net.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.iespanchayat.org,
Org. URL: http://www.iesglobal.org |
Dr. Desh Bandhu - President
Email Id:
Panchayati Raj and Environment |
Environment and Energy Management |
37 |
Centre for Media Studies(CMS) Research House, B-34, Community Centre, Saket,
New Delhi-110 017, Delhi Phone: 011-26851660, 26856429 Fax: 011-26968282 Email Id: cms@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.cmsindia.org/cmsenvis,
Org. URL: http://www.cmsindia.org |
Dr. N. Baskara Rao - Chairman
Mrs. Alka Tomar - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id: alka@cmsindia.org
Communication and Electronic Media |
Media, Environment Education and Sustainable Development |
38 |
Centre for Symbiosis of Technology, Environment and Management (STEM) 80/9, Kisangarh, Vasant Kunj
New Delhi-110070, Delhi Phone: +919350532857, 9868483209 Fax: Email Id: stem@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.womenenvironment.org,
Org. URL: http://www.slemgroup.org |
Dr.(Mrs.) Papia Lahiri - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id: stemdel@gmail.com
Women and Environment |
Environment and Energy Management |
39 |
Consumer Education and Research Centre (CERC) Suraksha Sankool, Thaltej, Gandhinagar Highway,
Ahmedabad-380 054, Gujarat Phone: 079-27489945-46, 27450528, 27451097 Fax: 079-27489947 Email Id: cerc@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.cercindia.org/envis.htm,
Org. URL: http://www.cercindia.org |
Mr. Manubhai Shah - Chairman, Emeritus
Email Id:
Eco-Labeling and Promotion of Eco-Friendly Products |
Environment Law and Trade |
40 |
CPR Environmental Education Centre (CPR) 1 Eldams Road,
Chennai-600 018, Tamil Nadu Phone: 044-24346526, 24337023 Fax: 044-24320756 Email Id: cpreec@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.ecoheritage.cpreec.org,
Org. URL: http://cpreec.org |
Dr.(Mrs.) Nanditha C, Krishna - Hon. Director
Email Id:
Conservation of Ecological Heritage and Sacred Sites in India |
Ecology and Ecosystems |
41 |
Foundation for Revitalization of Local Health Traditions (FRLHT) 74/2, Jarakbande Kaval, Yelahanka, via Attu PO,
Bangalore-560 064, Karnataka Phone: 080-28565890, 28565873 Fax: 080-28565895 Email Id: frlht@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://envis.frlht.org.in,
Org. URL: http://www.frlht.org.in |
Dr. Darshan Shankar - Director
Shri. D.K. Ved - IFS
Email Id:
Conservation of Medicinal Plants |
Flora, Fauna and Conservation |
42 |
National Solid Waste Association of India (NSWAI) 14/ Unique Industrial Estate, Veer Savarkar Marg, Prabhadevi,
Mumbai-400 025, Maharashtra Phone: 022-243753636, 56603487 Fax: 022-56603486 Email Id: nswai@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.nswai.com,
Org. URL: http://www.ecochem.com |
Dr. Amiya Kumar Sahu - Vice President
Shri. Ramdas Bhattacharya - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id:
Urban Municipal Waste Management |
Chemicals, Wastes and Toxicology |
43 |
Sulabh International Institute of Health and Hygiene (Sulabh) Sulabh Bhawan, Mahavir Enclave,
New Delhi-110 045, Delhi Phone: 011-25031243, 25058941 Fax: 011-25034014 Email Id: sulabh@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.sulabhenvis.nic.in,
Org. URL: http://www.sulabhinternational.org |
Dr. Bindeshwar Pathak - Founder
Dr. S.Nath - Chairman cum Medical Director
Email Id: nath.s@indiatimes.com
Hygiene, Sanitation and Environment, Sewage Treatment Systems and Technology |
Chemicals, Wastes and Toxicology |
44 |
Waterfalls Institute of Technology Transfer (WITT) J-29, South Extension-I,
New Delhi-110 049, Delhi Phone: 011-24642269, 246134980 Fax: 011-24619083 Email Id: witt@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.wittsenvis.org,
Org. URL: http://www.witts.org |
Dr. K.V. Swaminathan - Chairman
Email Id:
Environmental Audit and Accounting |
Environment Law and Trade |
45 |
Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History(SACON) Anaikatty P.O.
Coimbatore-641 108, Tamil Nadu Phone: 0422-2657101-105, 2657086, 2657096 Fax: 0422-2657088 Email Id: sacon@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.wetlandsofindia.org,
Org. URL: http://www.saconindia.org |
Mrs. Laitha Vijyan - Director
Dr. S. Narendra Prasad - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id:
Wetland Ecosystem |
Ecology and Ecosystems |
46 |
International Institute for Population Sciences(IIPS) Govandi Station Road, Geonar
Mumbai-400 088, Maharashtra Phone: 022-25563254, 55, 56 Fax: 022-25563257 Email Id: iip@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://populationenvis.org,
Org. URL: http://www.iipsindia.org |
Dr. T.K. Roy - Director & Senior Professor
Dr. C.P. Prakasam - In-charge, Data Centre
Email Id: prakasam@vsnl.com
Population and Environment |
Media, Environment Education and Sustainable Development |
47 |
Central Arid Zone Research Institute (CAZRI) Dr. Raheja Library
Jodhpur-342 003, Rajasthan Phone: 0291-2740931,0291-2740706 Fax: 040-3000361 Email Id: dcojha@cazri.res.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.cazri.res.in/envis.htm,
Org. URL: http://www.cazri.res.in |
Dr. Pratap Narain - Director
Dr. D.C. Ojha - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id: dcojha@cazri.res.in
Desertification |
Ecology and Ecosystems |
48 |
Assam Science, Technology and Environmental Council UN Bezbaruah Road, Silpukhuri
Guwahati-781 003, Assam Phone: 0361-2662232, 2664415, 9864021604 (Cell) Fax: 0361-2668475 Email Id: asm@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.envisassam.org,
Org. URL: |
Dr. A.K. Baruah - Director
Email Id:
Status of Environment and Related Issues |
Status of Environment |
49 |
Bihar State Pollution Control Board Beltron Bhawan, 2nd Floor, Lal Bhadur Shastri Nagar,
Patna-800 023, Bihar Phone: 0612-2281250 Fax: 0612-2291709 Email Id: bh@envis.nic.in
Org. URL: http://www.biharspcb.com |
Shri. S.N. Rao - Member Secretary
Email Id:
Status of Environment and Related Issues |
Status of Environment |
50 |
Chhattisgarh Environment Conservation Board, Nanak Niwas, Civil Lines,
Raipur-492 001, Chhattisgarh Phone: 0771-2425523 Fax: 0771-2425585 Email Id: cht@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.cecb.org,
Org. URL: |
Shri Anil Kumar Sharma - Member Secretry
Shri A.P. Sawant - ENVIS Coordinator, Asst. Public Relation Officer
Email Id:
Status of Environment and Related Issues |
Status of Environment |
51 |
Department of Environment - Govt. of NCT of Delhi Level-6, Wing-C, Delhi Secretariat,
New Delhi-110 002, Delhi Phone: 011-23392032, 23392029 Fax: 011-23392034 Email Id: del@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.environment.delhigovt.nic.in,
Org. URL: http://www.dpcc.delhigovt.nic.in |
Mrs. Naini Jayaseelan - Secretary Environment
Dr. B.C. Sabat - Senior Scientific Officer
Email Id:
Status of Environment and Related Issues |
Status of Environment |
52 |
Department of Science, Technology and Environment Saligao Plateau, Saligao
Bardez-403 511, Goa Phone: 0832-2407186 Fax: 0832-2407186 Email Id: goa@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://goaenvis.nic.in,
Org. URL: |
Dr. N.P.S. Varde - Director/Jt. Secy. (STE)
Dr. Mohan R. Girap - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id: envisgoa@rediffmail.com
Status of Environment and Related Issues |
Status of Environment |
53 |
Gujarat Ecology Commission (GEC) GERI Campus, Race Course Road,
Vadodra-390 007, Gujarat Phone: 0265-2339115, 2336713 Fax: 0265-2340036 Email Id: guj@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.gec.gov.in/envis/,
Org. URL: http://www.gec.gov.in |
Dr. A.K. Sinha - Member Secretary
Shri. C.H. Pandya - Director
Email Id:
Status of Environment and Related Issues |
Status of Environment |
54 |
State Council for Science, Technology and Environment B-34, SDA Complex, Kasumpti,
Shimla-171 009, Himachal Pradesh Phone: 0177-2620998, 2622490, 2622923, 2633923 Fax: 0177-2620998 Email Id: hp@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.hpenvis.nic.in,
Org. URL: http://www.hpenvis.org |
Dr. Srikant Baldi - Member Secretary
Dr. R.K. Sood - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id: ravindersood55@hotmail.com
Status of Environment and Related Issues |
Status of Environment |
55 |
Directorate of Environment and Remote Sensing SDA Complex Bemina
Srinagar-, Jammu and Kashmir Phone: 0194- 2490823, 2438994, 2438994 Fax: 0194- 2490823 Email Id: jk@envis.nic.in
Org. URL: |
Shri. Shamim Mohammad Khan - Director
Shri. M.A.W.Deva - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id: devamutaharra@rediffmail.com
Status of Environment and Related Issues |
Status of Environment |
56 |
Ministry of Forest and Environment Govt. of Jharkhand,
Ranchi-834 002, Jharkhand Phone: 0651-2491669 Fax: 0651-2480655 Email Id: jhar@envis.nic.in
Org. URL: |
Shri. Mukhtiar Singh - Secretary
Shri. U.R. Biswas - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id:
Status of Environment and Related Issues |
Status of Environment |
57 |
Department of Forests, Environment and Ecology Govt. of Karnataka, 7th Floor, 4th State, M.S. Building, Dr.B.R. Ambedkar Veedhi,
Bangalore-560 001, Karnataka Phone: 080-22254377, 22092445 Fax: 080-22254377 Email Id: kar@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://parisara.kar.nic.in/envis.htm,
Org. URL: http://parisar.kar.nic.in |
Shri S. Sadashivaiah - Secretary
Shri. Chakravarti Mohan -
Email Id:
Status of Environment and Related Issues |
Status of Environment |
58 |
Science, Technology and Environment Department Govt. of Kerala, Sasthra Bhawan, Pattom P.O.,
Thiruvananthapuram-695 004, Kerala Phone: 0471-2543701-05 Fax: 0471-2543558 Email Id: ker@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.coastalenvis.org,
Org. URL: http://www.kscste.org |
Dr. K.R.S. Krishnan - Director
Dr. Kamalakshan Kokkal - Principal Scientific Officer & ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id:
Status of Environment and Related Issues |
Status of Environment |
59 |
Disaster Management Institute(DMI) Housing and Environment Department, Paryavaran Parisar,E-5,Arera Colony,P.B.No.563,
Bhopal-462 016, Madhya Pradesh Phone: 0755-2466715, 2461538, 2461348, 5293592 Fax: 0755-2466653 Email Id: mp@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.mpenvis.nic.in,
Org. URL: http://www.dmibpl.org |
Shri S.N. Mishra - Executive Director
Dr. Rakesh Dubey - Joint Director
Email Id: rakeshddubey@hotmail.com
Status of Environment and Related Issues |
Status of Environment |
60 |
Environment Department New Administrative Building, 15th Floor, Madam Cama Marg, Mantralaya,
Mumbai-400 032, Maharashtra Phone: 022-22854707, 22855082 Fax: 022-22025946 Email Id: mah@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://envis.maharashtra.gov.in,
Org. URL: http://environment.maharashtra.gov.in/environment |
Shri. G.N. Varade - Director
Dr. Kamble - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id:
Status of Environment and Related Issues |
Status of Environment |
61 |
Environment and Ecology Wing - Dept. of Forests and Environment Porompat
Imphal (East)-795 010, Manipur Phone: 0385-2227625 Fax: 0385-2227625, 2446670 Email Id: man@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.manenvis.nic.in,
Org. URL: |
Dr. M. Homeshowor Singh - Senior Scientific Officer
Email Id:
Status of Environment and Related Issues |
Status of Environment |
62 |
Environment and Forest Department - Mizoram Govt. of Mizoram Tuikhuahtlang,
Aizwal-796 001, Mizoram Phone: 0389-2325727,2323420 Fax: 0389-2322733 Email Id: miz@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.envfor-mizoram.com,
Org. URL: |
Shri. N.L. Chakma - Joint Secretary
Mr. C.Lalduhawma - Member Secretary
Email Id:
Status of Environment and Related Issues |
Status of Environment |
63 |
Nagaland Institute of Health and Social Welfare Moses Complex, S-2, N.S.F., Marhyr's Park, Upper PWD
Kohima-797 001, Nagaland Phone: 0370-2245619, 2245566 Fax: 0370-2240626,2240180,Mob:094360107 Email Id: nag@envis.nic.in
Org. URL: |
Dr. Seyiekhreipuo John - Executive Director
Dr. Inakhe Sumi - Honarary Executive Director
Email Id:
Status of Environment and Related Issues |
Status of Environment |
64 |
Centre for Environmental Studies (CES) N2/150, Nayapalli,
Bhubaneshwar-751 015, Orissa Phone: 0674-2551853 Fax: 0674-2400681 Email Id: ori@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.cesorissa.org/envis.htm,
Org. URL: http://www.cesorissa.org |
Shri. K. Jude Sekar - Director
Email Id:
Status of Environment and Related Issues |
Status of Environment |
65 |
Punjab State Council for Science and Technology(PSCST) MGSIPA Complex, Second Floor, Adj. Sacred Heart School, Sector-26
Chandigarh-160 019, Punjab Phone: 0172-2793600 Fax: 0172-27903143 Email Id: pun@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.punjabenvironment.com,
Org. URL: http://www.pscst.com |
Mr. N.S. Tiwana - Director
Ms. Neelima Jerath - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id: neelimakj@yahoo.co.uk
Status of Environment and Related Issues |
Status of Environment |
66 |
Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board 4, Institutional Area, Jhalana Doongari,
Jaipur-302 004, Rajasthan Phone: 0141-2705731, 2707285,2711263 Fax: 0141-2709980 Email Id: raj@envis.nic.in
Org. URL: http://rpcb.gov.in |
Mr. Lalit Mehra - Chairperson
Mr. M.C. Rastogi - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id: mc_rastogi@yahoo.com
Status of Environment and Related Issues |
Status of Environment |
67 |
Department of Forests, Environment and Wildlife - Sikkim Secretariat,
Gangtok-737 101, Sikkim Phone: 0359- 2281385, 9434191883, 202082® Fax: 0359- 2281778 Email Id: sik@envis.nic.in
Org. URL: |
Shri. T. R. Poudyal - Principal Conservation of Forest
Dr. P. Senthil Kumar, IFS - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id: senthilkumarifs@rediffmail.com
Status of Environment and Related Issues |
Status of Environment |
68 |
State Council of Science and Technology for Sikkim Dev. Area
Gangtok-737 101, Sikkim Phone: 03592-205551 Fax: 03592-228764 Email Id: scsts@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://scstsenvis.nic.in,
Org. URL: |
Shri. O.P. Singhi - Member Secretary, Dept. of Science & Technology
Mr. D.T.Bhutia - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id: envis_sikkim@hotmail.com
Ecotourism |
Flora, Fauna and Conservation |
69 |
Department of Environment - Tamil Nadu First Floor, Panagal Building, Saidapet,
Chennai-600 015, Tamil Nadu Phone: 044-24331243 Fax: 044-24336594 Email Id: tn@nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://tnenvis.nic.in,
Org. URL: http://www.tn.gov.in/department/eandf.htm |
Thiru K. S. Neelakantan, IFS - Director
Email Id:
Status of Environment and Related Issues |
Status of Environment |
70 |
Tripura State Pollution Control Board Vigyan Bhawan, Pandit Nehru Complex, Gorkhabasti, P.O. Kunjaban,
Agartala-799 006, Tripura Phone: 0381-2225421, 2328792,2300368® Fax: 0381-2225421 Email Id: trp@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.tripura.nic.in/tspcb,
Org. URL: http://www.tripura.nic.in |
Prof. Mihir Deb - Chairman
Shri. Manas Mukherjee - Executive Engineer & Project Co-ordinator
Email Id: mukherjee_manas@rediffmail.com
Status of Environment and Related Issues |
Status of Environment |
71 |
Directorate of Environment - Uttar Pradesh Vinit Khand-1, Gomti Nagar,
Lucknow-226 010, Uttar Pradesh Phone: 0522-2300541, 2300549 Fax: 0522-2300543 Email Id: up@envis.nic.in
Org. URL: http://www.upgov.up.nic.in/upForest/Default.htm |
Shri. Yashpal Singh - Director
Dr. R. K. Sardana - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id: doeuplko@satyam.net.in
Status of Environment and Related Issues |
Status of Environment |
72 |
Uttaranchal Pollution Control Board E-115, Nehru Colony, Hardwar Road,
Dehradun-248 011, Uttaranchal Phone: 0135- 2668922 Fax: 0135- 2668092 Email Id: utr@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.ueppcb.com/state.htm,
Org. URL: http://www.ueppcb.com |
Dr. T.B. Singh - Chief Environment Officer
Email Id: ms@ueppcb.com
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Status of Environment |
73 |
Department of Environment - West Bengal 4, Fairlie Place, 2nd Floor,
Kolkata-700 001, West Bengal Phone: 033-22141357 Fax: 033-22145592, 22141356 Email Id: wb@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://kolkata.wb.nic.in/environment,
Org. URL: http://www.wbgov.com/e-gov/English/Departments/DepartmentFrameNew.asp?DpId=50 |
Shri. A.K. Barman, IAS - Principal Secretary
Mr. Chinmoy Chakrabarti - Senior Environment Officer
Email Id: chinmoy@cal3.vsnl.net.in
Status of Environment and Related Issues |
Status of Environment |
74 |
Department of Environment and Forest - Andaman and Nicobar Van Sadan, Haddo P.O.
Port Blair-744 102, Andaman and Nicobar Phone: 03192-233233 Fax: 03192-230113 Email Id: an@envis.nic.in
Org. URL: |
Shri. R.C. Jayaraj - Deputy Secretary
Mr. Devendra Dalai - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id:
Status of Environment and Related Issues |
Status of Environment |
75 |
Daman Pollution Control Committee Moti Daman Daman
Daman-396 220, Daman and Diu Phone: 02638-2230963, 2230524 Fax: 02638-2230804 Email Id: dd@envis.nic.in
Org. URL: |
Mr. Richard D'Souza - Chairman
Mr. Santosh Singh - Member Secretary
Email Id:
Status of Environment and Related Issues |
Status of Environment |
76 |
Department of Environment - Chandigarh Chandigarh Administration, Addl.Town Hall Building 2nd Floor, Sector 17-C
Chandigarh-160 001, Punjab Phone: 0172-2705186, 3295436, 2721159 Fax: 0172-2726698 Email Id: ch@envis.nic.in
ENVIS URL: http://www.chandigarhenvis.nic.in,
Org. URL: |
Shri. Ishwar Singh - Director
Mr. P.J.S. Dadhwal - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id: dadhwalpjsd@gmail.com
Status of Environment and Related Issues |
Status of Environment |
77 |
Department of Science, Technology and Environment - Pondicherry III Floor, Housing Board Buillding, Anna Nagar, Nellithope,
Pondicherry-605 005, Pondicherry Phone: 0413-2201256 Fax: 0413-2203494 Email Id: dstepon@vsnl.net
Org. URL: http://www.pon.nic.in/ppcc |
Dr. P. Devraj - Director
Email Id:
Status of Environment and Related Issues |
Status of Environment |
78 |
Environment Protection Training and Research Institute(EPTRI) 91/4, Gachibowli,
Hyderabad-500 032, Andhra Pradesh Phone: 040-23001242, 23000489, 23001707(D) Fax: 040-23000361 Email Id: svprasad@eptri.com
ENVIS URL: http://www.envis-eptri.ap.nic.in,
Org. URL: http://www.eptri.com |
Mrs. Gayathri Ramachandran - Director General
Shri. S.H. Baquer - ENVIS Coordinator
Email Id: baquer@eptri.com
Status of Environment and Related Issues |
Status of Environment |
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