ENVIS Centre Environment & Media
Annual ENVIS Reports
- 2005 | 2003
- 2004 |
- 2003
The CMS ENVIS Centre is a premiere centre designated by the Union Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, to facilitate information dissemination and further the cause of environmental awareness and sensitization. Since its inception, it has come a long way to establish itself as a key resource center, coordinating body and platform for information dissemination on environmental communication, strategies and media related activities.
Today, the Centre reaches out to a large number of people through its various activities. The ENVIS quarterly newsletter, Green Voice - the gateway of information on environment and media -- is received by more than 1,000 readers, while its daily e-newsletter, Green Media (on environmental issues in print media) has a circulation of over 3,000. From time to time, the Centre also undertakes focused studies of 'green space' in print and electronic media, and issues coverage analysis on different contemporary issues. The Clemenceau is one such highly acclaimed publication.
CMS ENVIS also collates for its readers impressive databases of more than 12000 'green' news from national and regional dailies, 800 advertising agencies and 2000 audio-visual programmes, thereby facilitating easy access to prominent and relevant media information. The Centre has been an active and dynamic channel for reaching out to people through different communication tools such as newsletters, publications, research studies, case studies and websites, and has striven to build public consensus on and a network for environment conservation.