Noise and air pollution from vehicles

The Times of India , Sunday, November 20, 2016
Correspondent : Ashok Srikrishna
Every year when its festival time, people are suddenly bothered about pollution they cause. Light a sparkler and you are guilty of destroying the the atmosphere!! Everyone, Government departments, NGOs, news papers, popular actors and (in this age of mobile apps) even talking toms are going about advising people to avoid the use of fireworks on Diwali citing pollution as the main issue. But is it in fact such a big issue? How much pollution can the communities celebrating Diwali cause if the burst crackers?

Personally I don't think the cracker smoke and sounds on one day will be even anywhere close to the amount of noise and smoke caused daily by vehicles. Motor bikes which are designed for style need special mention here those which give out clouds of smoke and go about making the phat-phat noise forcing people to cover their ears. Don't such and other vehicles cause more noise and smoke? Yet they are being used without any second thought and no government department or newspaper mentions about its menance.


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