Pollutants, dust mites are big culprits

The Times of India , Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Correspondent : TNN
Pulmonologists blame atmospheric pollution due to vehicular emission and petrochemical wastes for the rise in bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis in the city.

Stop buying cars and plant more trees, they say.

"Pollutants from the diesel exhaust like sulphur dioxides, oxides of nitrogen and carbon monoxides irritate the airway.

If one is genetically prone to bronchial diseases, wheezing starts. A synergy between al lergens and pollutants is what causes and aggravates asthma," said Dr Om Prakash, emeritus consultant and chest physician at St Martha's Hospital.

"Emission of pollutants from industries like foam-rubber, sericulture, some pharma firms and petroleum industry cause bronchial disorders," he added.

Dr H Parmesh said: "Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) from automobile emission is the worst pollutant that leads to bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis and pneumonia among children. It is a fact that 30 minutes exposure to urban air pollution, mainly from automobile emission, produces lung inflammation for four weeks."

"Slow vehicles produce pollutants over five times more at 10km speed per hour. Bengaluru, being one of the hubs of traffic congestions and one of the top cities with maximum number of vehicles on road, its residents are exposed to maximum pollutants and are at greater risk of developing asthma and other bronchial allergies.Switching over to alternative fuels, other than diesel and petrol, is need of the hour," he added.

On indoor pollution contributing to increasing asthma cases in the city, Dr Parmesh said: "Dust mites are major contributors to asthma.About 50% of the allergy is aggravated by dust mites. Indoor pollution also plays a major role in the rise in asthma episodes along with outdoor pollution."

SOURCE : http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/bengaluru/Pollutants-dust-mites-are-big-culprits/articleshow/50541047.cms

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