Political parties eye climate issues

The Economic Times , Saturday, April 04, 2009
Correspondent : PTI
NEW DELHI: Taking note of the challenges posed by global warming, manifestos of political parties have included a promise to deal with climate

related issues.

For the first time, manifestos released for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections have touched upon climate related issues and promised transition of country's economy from fossil fuel energy sources to renewable energy sources.

"India too has begun to feel impact of climate change in different ways as global warming emerges as a serious challenge for the world community," the ruling Congress has said in its manifesto.

Taking credit for framing the National Action Plan for Climate Change which was unveiled last year by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, the poll document says the plan aims to meet the development aspirations of the people for a higher standard of living and economic growth.

"Mitigating the threat by building a low carbon economy is the biggest economic opportunity of the 21st century," the BJP has said.

Recognising that containing global warming is essential to protecting life and security of people and environment, the BJP says if it comes to power "it will actively pursue the transfer of critical technologies that can have a significant impact on reducing carbon emissions."

Under sub-heading "One Earth, Green Earth" the saffron party has talked in detail on how it will pursue national growth objectives through an ecologically sustainable pathway that leads to mitigation of green house gas emissions responsible for global warming.

It promises to provide "incentives to encourage institutions and individuals to switch over to energy-saving devices and eco-friendly designs for housing, creating awareness among people, support to developing low-energy and low-cost technology."

In its manifesto, the CPM has promised "to take steps to control emission of greenhouse gases through energy efficient technologies and effective regulation" apart from "promoting solar and non-conventional energy sources".

It also talks about making the process of obtaining an environmental clearance more transparent; checking pollution in rivers and water bodies; and implementing the Coastal Zone Regulation Act and saving the wetlands.

SOURCE : Saturday, April 04, 2009

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