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Knight Fellowships establish prize for Western environmental journalism Print, broadcast and online journalists invited to
compete for prize, which honors former Knight Director James
now are being accepted for an environmental journalism prize
honoring James V. Risser, director emeritus of Stanford's
John S. Knight Fellowships for Professional Journalists, to
be awarded this year for the first time. The
winner of the $3,000 Risser Prize for Western Environmental
Journalism will come to campus to participate in a symposium
on the issues reported in the winning entry. The deadline
for entries is March 15. Entry forms and award details are
available at
The competition is open to print, broadcast and online
journalists reporting on environmental issues in western
Canada, Mexico and the United States for media organizations
based in those nations. CSE MEDIA FELLOWSHIPS
Indo-American Environmental Leadership Program (IAELP)
The Fulbright Indo-American Environment Leadership Program (F-IAELP) is designed for mid-level environmental professionals in the private sector, or with government or non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The program combines 8-12 week practical fellowships in India with opportunities for networking with Indian counterpart organizations. The selected individuals will be placed at Indian public, private or non-governmental organizations, including academic institutions and research centers. As part of their professional development fellows will be encouraged to interact with a range of Indian institutions and attend professional meetings and conferences. Fellows will also be expected to explore possible linkages between Indian and American institutions with common agendas.
USEFI is responsible for recruiting and selecting Indian fellows, and placing American fellows with Indian host institutions. Fifteen fellowships will be awarded to Americans during 2002-2004. This fact sheet covers application for the 2002 and 2003 cycles. An additional notice will be made available for the 2004 Fulbright -IAELP in April of 2003.
FOCUS AREAS The reach of this program is broad, and may include the following areas:
Although the F-IAELP does not require applicants to have an existing affiliation or commitment from an Indian host institution at the time of application, applicants are encouraged to correspond, in advance, with potential host institutions. If you are selected for an award but have not made contact with an Indian institution at the time of applying, USEFI will arrange for an appropriate placement.
AWARD BENEFITS Each fellowship will include round-trip travel from the U.S. to India, a monthly stipend, professional allowance, and health insurance. (No allowance or travel is provided for dependents; the stipend provided under the grant is not sufficient to support family members.)
Special attention will be given to applicants who demonstrate involvement in cooperative efforts between academia, research institutions, government, industry and non-governmental organizations in making practical contributions to environmental policies and programs. Applicants will be considered without regard to race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin and/or physical impairment.
How to Apply
This fact sheet covers information for US applicants only. Please see the USEFI website for materials and information on the Indian portion of the program.
Application Deadline The last date for the recieving application for the Current year is August 2,2004 An expert National Selection Committee reviews all eligible applications. The committee then refers a short list of recommended candidates to USEFI for final decision. All decisions taken in connection with the selection process are final and requests for reconsideration will NOT be entertained.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION For further information, please contact Ms. Megan Kennedy by phone at (202) 326-7716, Fax: (202) 326-7709 or by E-mail at
The Knight International Press Fellowship Program is a private-sector effort designed to share professional expertise and offer assistance to the media overseas. U.S. journalists are dispatched to foreign media organizations to lead training sessions. The purpose of the program is one of mutual benefit: to help international colleagues nurture the development of a strong and free press, and to enhance understanding among U.S. news professionals of the press and cultures of countries throughout the world.
The International Center for Journalists, which administers the Knight International Press Fellowships, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the quality of journalism worldwide, especially in countries with little or no tradition of an independent press. ICFJ believes that vigorous, independent media are essential building blocks on which democracy, freedom and human rights must be based. For nearly 20 years, ICFJ has been sharing the best practices of the profession with colleagues around the globe.
The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation is the program's sole funder. The foundation promotes excellence in journalism worldwide and invests in the vitality of 26 U.S. communities. Knight Foundation is among the nation's largest independent grant-making organizations with newspaper origins. It has provided financial support for the fellowships since their inception in 1993.
Fellowships -
Foundation runs two fellowship programmes, offering a
practical form of professional assistance to established
technologists and journalists. Fellows are able to step back
from work pressures and study special interests and
projects, broadening their international experience.
Programme for Young Indian Print Journalists Twelve journalists from the Indian press can participate in a three-month programme at the University of Westminster comprising a mix of academic training and practical attachments with British media organizations.
SEJ annual conference fellowships for journalists of color The Society of Environmental Journalists is inviting applications for SEJ's 2004 Fellowships Program for Journalists of Color. The fellowships are being sponsored in conjunction with the Earth and Environmental Science Journalism Program of Columbia University and the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory. The objective of the fellowships is to strengthen the understanding of the Earth and environment among populations underrepresented in the geosciences by improving the quality and quantity of coverage in the media that reaches these communities. A limited number of full and partial fellowships will be awarded to U.S. minority journalists to underwrite airfare, shared lodging and registration for SEJ's 14th Annual Conference, October 20-24, 2004, in Pittsburgh, PA.
SEJ's Pittsburgh conference agenda includes reporters' tours, workshops, special events, panel and keynote sessions on a wide range of media and environmental issues. Application deadline is July 6, 2004. You can download an application form here. If you've been a fellowship winner previously, you may apply for a Senior Fellowship (both forms require free Adobe Acrobat ® reader). U.S. minority journalists of all media are invited to apply. SEJ membership is not required. For complete conference information contact:
IJNR EXPEDITION If you report on forest and conservation history, by applying for an IJNR expedition, you are automatically considered for the annual John M. Collier Award, a prize sponsored by the Forest History Society consisting of tuition for the IJNR expedition plus an expenses-paid visit to the FHS Library and Archives in Durham, NC.
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