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Thursday, June 02, 2016
Vulture count: Ahmedabad's loss is Surendranagar's gain
Correspondent : Himanshu Kaushik
AHMEDABAD: Loss of Ahmedabad had turned to be beneficial for Surendranagar district. Surendranagar which had recorded only four vultures in 2012 recorded 88 vultures in 2016, while Ahmedabad district and city which the number of vultures has come down to 45 in 2016 from the 126 that was there in 2012.

Experts say initial count indicates the presence of only 10 Gyps vultures and an equal number of Egyptian vultures left in Ahmedabad city, while another 25 Gyps and Egyptian vultures were spotted in the areas beyond city limits within the district.

The decline in the numbers of vultures is attributed mainly to their migration from Ahmedabad city to nearby Surnedranagar district, and also to the fact that the civic body has decided not to dump carcasses in the open, but bury them.

"Non-availability of their food in Ahmedabad city has lowered the number of scavenger birds in the city. Ahmedabad civic authorities have decided that they would not be leaving the carcasses of dead animals in the open, but will bury them. This has led to the birds moving out of the city," said KartikShastri of Jivdaya trust. The trust was responsible for counting of vultures in Ahmedabad city.

Refusing to confirm specific numbers, Shashtri said, "Apart from this, the use of diclofenac is still rampant and there is no control on its sales. Dumping of nilgai carcasses at sites has also stopped. The carcasses of nilgais used to be best for vultures as there was little risk of them carrying diclofenac," he said.

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